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Results for: Memory in Social and Personality Development

Social Development And The Personality

Developing a Rapid Understanding:When one can define rapid development or growth, he has a better understanding, which pushes that entity in the right direction. This person can maneuver smoothly through the trial and errors and the tricky that takes place in the processes of human development.

The fact is the creation of new story lines change each day, which includes the rapid change of self-examining and theoretical or hypothetical frameworks. This means that the definitions in the here and now could rapidly change tomorrow. Thus, social development and personality then are subject to keep pace with the diversities and compound definitions of social and personality development.

Researchers each day are examining various behaviors, including violence, aggression, riots, 'first impressions, erotic stimulus,' and so forth. All these changes in our environment affect us all in some way. Despite that, all these changes affect us however; shared threads bind us all, which brings us together as a unit.

While psychologists center on certain behavior patterns that affect us all, the average person must keep in sight the definition of social and personality development. The meaning to the common person is as follow: We identify the process of social and personality as a scientific discipline whereas we continue to investigate protocols in which our behaviors, thoughts or feelings influences or decides the actions, personality or behaviors of others around us.

We can examine examples to reach a deeper understanding of social and personality development. It is apparent that most people's thoughts, behaviors or feelings are inspired by others around them. For instance, think of your self, working at a convenient store and masked man comes in the store with a loaded handgun and says, 'Don't do anything stupid.' Your emotions will react to this action, since you have no doubt in your mind that this person is out to cause harm. What this person has done; is affected or influenced your feelings, behaviors and thoughts, yet the way you respond will decide your fate. That is in most instances. Some people are cold-blooded killers. These people will give little thought to anyone doing as they are told.

In comparison, consider an example whereas someone approaches you and asks you how your day is going. In this instance, your heart may feel warm and you may respond in a like manner. On the other hand, if someone has interrupted your day, causing you stress, you may insult the person, which then the influence falls on your shoulder.

We see that in instances where people have pushed us at one time or another to buy something we regret purchasing later. This is a common influential pattern that all of us go through at one time or another. The point is in order to develop healthy social skills and personality we must learn to stop allowing influences to persuade us of anything, unless we have a shared desire to do it on our own.

In summary, our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings are often changed by influences around us. It changes the way we feel and think each day. For this reason, we must all analyze the influences around us and determine how they affect our social and personality development process.

Since it is obvious that we are all affected by influences, including their characteristics, behaviors and actions, thus we must expand our awareness to stay alert to influences. The first thing you want to consider while building social skills is to estimate your feelings toward the opposite gender, race, culture, and so on. Do you think you have prejudices toward others that are different from you? If you answered yes, then you need some instructions on how to eliminate prejudice and accept differences. Prejudice only gets in the way of effective self-development and social skills.